Application Of Resistivity Methods For Groundwater Exploration Around Chuko Southern Region Of Ethiopia.

Geophysics, Space Science And Astronomy(igssa) Project Topics

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Geophysical surveys and studies were carried out in southern Ethiopiarnaround Chuko town for ground water exploration by the hydrogeological tearn inrnthe Ethiopian Institute of Geological Surveys (EIGS) during 1984 - 1985. Theserndata are reanalyzed from the scientific point of view. It is observed that thernapparent resistivity data at a horizon having sufficient thickness can be descnbed byrnthe linear equation where the slope is the same as tangent of the dip angle of thernfault.rnThe causes of the principles of equivalence for this particular survey arearnare aquifers (and possibly aquicludes ) and this problem can be managed by fixingrnthe resistivity value of aquifer known from other information sources such as weDs.rnThe results of the inversion shows that the resistivities of all layers associated withrnaquifers converges towards this fixed value without any change in the depth rangernindicating the fact that it is not the number of layers but the resistivity value ofrnaquifer that is in the interpretation sounding curves for the ground waterrnexploration. From type curve analysis the assumed faults are investigated which arernidentical with the ones obtained using profiling results. The type curve mapping isrnpowerful in zone as weD as fault mapping.rnThe stacked graphic plot, pseudoelectric and geoelectric section analysisrnshows that the resistivity of the water bearing formations are in general greater thanrn40 ohm-m and these formations, which are dominated by fractured volcanic rocksrnand sands of varying grain size, are most available in the eastern part of the basernline with varying depth ranges.

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Application Of Resistivity Methods For Groundwater Exploration Around Chuko Southern Region Of Ethiopia.