Reconstruction Of Digital 3d City Model Using Geomatics Technique. A Case Study In Aait Campus Of Aau

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Despite the real world we live in is considered to be represented by 3-dimension, 2D representationsrnwhich neglect the third dimension were implemented to archive, plan, administer, analyze and describernthe complex physical structure of the earth's surface. Thus, an extended representation technique thatrnconsiders all the complexity such as 3D city modeling is emerged. A 3D city model (3DCM) is arngeoreferenced tridimensional digital model of the actual complex urban environment that animates allrnrelevant urban spatial objects located above, on, or below the topographic surface integrated with theirrnnon-spatial information. The 3DCM is an important tool used in the domain of 3D cadastre, virtualrnreality, tridimensional spatial analyses, infrastructure planning, real-estate marketing, tourism, as wellrnas for entertainment, and education. The 3DCM of the urban environment can be reconstructed byrnseveral technologies, the geomatics technique is there at the front of the queue. This research study isrnaimed to reconstruct a digital 3DCM using the geomatics technique specifically based on thernphotogrammetric techniques to be used as a data source as well as its data processing pipelines havernbeen explored and tested. Thus, for this research direct georeferenced aerial photographs with aerialrncamera parameters with Ground control points were processed using the Inpho photogrammetryrnsoftware tool that goes from automatic aerial triangulation, dense-image matching, and productrngeneration. Thus, a photogrammetric point cloud with a density of 100 points/meter square, DTM, andrna digital orthophoto map (DOM) were derived. Moreover, the accuracy of these photogrammetricrnproducts was assessed by independent checkpoints and hence obtained RMSE values in the range of arnsingle-pixel for planimetric (x, y) dimension (aerial triangulation and DOM) and 2pixel verticalrnaccuracy(z) that meets the standard error budget set by ASPRS for the highest accuracy geospatial datarnproduction, analysis and modeling purpose. Furthermore, File geodatabase has been developed to bernused as a central data storage container and thus 2D features with their attribute information,rnnormalized digital surface model (nDSM), DSM, DTM, DOM, and other available datasets werernextracted and stored within it. From these datasets, the 3DCM at two levels of detail (LOD1 & LOD2)rnhas been reconstructed. Consequently, this study showed that cost-effective reconstruction of 3DCMrnof the existing urban structure can be done from a couple of 2D nadir-looking photographs with arnstraightforward photogrammetric processing pipeline. The results are presented in the case of the 5kilorn(AAiT)rncampusrnarearnofrnAAU.

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Reconstruction Of Digital 3d City Model Using Geomatics Technique. A  Case Study In Aait Campus Of Aau