Background:rnInternet-based sources are gaining recognition as a powerful and low cost rnmethod to deliver health related intervention information. In AAU, there is an increasingrntrend of network and internet services expansion to both students and staff, which greatlyrnfosters the access to any kind of information including sexually and HIV/AIDS relatedrnheath information within the university. In order to plan for internet-based healthrninformation intervention and allocate the resources efficiently in the university, assessmentrnof its level of availability, patterns and utilization is preliminarily required. rnMethods: A Cross-sectional survey study method was used to determine the utilizationrnlevel among undergraduate students of AAU. Self-administered questionnaire was used to rncollect quantitative data from 929 randomly selected eligible students. Moreover, in-depthrninterview was conducted to 25 selected students to support the quantitative results. On siternobservation was also used. Cross tabulation, Logistic regression and Chi Square tools werernused for quantitative analysis. And categorization and interpretation of interviewed datarnwere applied to support the quantitative data. rnResults: Of the total 929 students selected, 86% (803) of them responded and 774 werernanalyzed. Of the total respondents, 86% (666) of them had ever used internet recently at rnleast once, 39% (300) of them using it for general health information and only 22% (169)rnof them used it to access sexual and HIV/AIDS related health information. However, onlyrn5% of them used digital technologies like compact disk to access sexually related healthrninformation. As their awareness, internet skill and access increased, so did their relativernodds of utilization of the technologies for sexual and HIV/AIDS information, which is alsornsignificantly associated with their stream and interest to use the technologies. rn rnConclusion:rnAlthough the actual utilization of internet-based and digital sources forrnsexual and an HIV/AIDS purpose is low, it can be a promising strategy to use it in rndelivering such contents of information effectively and efficiently by expanding its access.rnMoreover, most students are quite aware and interested to use it for accessing sexually andrnHIV/AIDS related health information.