Trauma Severity Scoring And Its Immediate Outcome Measure Among Patients With Trauma Incident Attending By Emergency Medical Services The Case Of Tikur Anbessa And Yekatit12 Hospitals.
Trauma is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world .Trauma can be a threat to lifernthrough damaging different body part that involve the most active group of society and can resultrninrnprolonged compensation. rnThe severity of trauma and immediate outcome of trauma measure can enable to evaluate health carernintervention for an emergency trauma patient.rnIn this research, retrospective patient care record review design is used for trauma patients whornattended the emergency department of Tikur Anbessa and Yekatit 12 Hospital. The research isrnconducted from August 2009 to June 2010, and the record review and data collection period was fromrnMarch to April 2010. All identified trauma patient care record about patient with altered level of rnconsciousness who attend emergency medical service throughout the previous year and those who rnfulfill inclusion criteria was reviewed. Data was analyzed using SPSS 15.0 statistical package. Inrndescriptive statistic frequency, median, and standard deviations were computed. The TRISSrnmethodology was used to score trauma severity and to compare the data outcome.rnAmong 328 trauma patients 72.9% were males and 27.1% were female. The median age was 30 years. rn86.0 of them were below 54 years. From the total patient care record review the median of ISS andrnRTS were 25 and 7.84 with range 16 – 75 and 0.00 – 7.84 , and standard deviation of 12.60 and 1.54rnrespectively. Sustained penetrating trauma were accounted for 30(9.1%) of the total trauma incidentsrnand sustained blunt trauma were accounted for 298(90.9%) of total trauma incidents. The majority ofrnthe trauma patients (49%) were sustained road traffic accident followed by strike by blunt object (18%)rnand fall > 5 meter (15%). Out of the total 328 trauma patients 18.3 % of them were died. The arearnunder the curve at the ROC analysis was 0.967 for TRISS, 0.127 for ISS, and 0.903 for RTS (P