Design Of A Patient Record System For Shashemene Referral Hospital

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Background: To provide quality of health care, medical practitioners require complete,rnaccurate, and timely data. Practitioners need to know their patients’ medical history to avoidrnprescribing treatments that may have adverse effects. Though, most medical records are keptrnin voluminous paper files, typically located in doctors’ offices or other health service providerrnsites. These files are often not available when most needed in addition report generation fromrnthese files is also difficult and not timely. To overcome this catastrophic problems designingrnof a patient record system is mandatory. rnObjective: The proposed project attempted to Design a Patient Record System forrnShashemene Referral Hospital which enables the user of the system to use patient datarneffectively and to pass good decision on patient treatment. rnMethodology: The proposed project used Structured System Analysis and Design systemrndevelopment approach and it used different data collection tools i.e. (interview, observationrnand relevant document review techniques) to collect sufficient data needed for the system tornbe developed. Analysis and design of the proposed system was performed by using analysisrnand design technique i.e. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) for process modeling, Activity Diagramrnand Entity Relationship Diagrams (ER) for data modeling, for programming languagernHypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) were proposed forrnimplementation phase. Structured Query Language (SQL) server 2008 and Microsoft Accessrn2007 were the tools used for data base table construction and their relationship. For data flowrndiagram the tool used was Microsoft Visio 2007. rnrnResult: The developed design of a patient record system for Shashemane Referral Hospitalrnincorporates Register new /update repeat patient detailed information, Search patient detail,rnassign patients to different case team, mange ; patient treated at Out Patient Departmentrn(OPD) , admitted patient, bed schedule, nursing care plan , discharge summary, user accountrnand generate report. To capture all of these data relational data base system was designed.rnFinally, system architecture also designed to give a high level view of the new system.rnrn Conclusion: Patient health history recording is mandatory it helps the health professionals torneasily accesses health history and prevents them from prescribing drugs that has adverserneffects which threatens patient’s life. The developed design of a patient record systemrncontains patient registration, management of patient history at Out Patient Department andrnInpatient Department and also report generation for stake holders.rnrn Recommendations: To achieve the aim of this project work Shashemane Referral Hospital,rnAddis Ababa University and other stake holders should react on the implementation phase ofrnthis design.

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Design Of A Patient Record System For Shashemene Referral Hospital