Evidence Based Decision Making To The Continuous Quality Improvement Of Labour And Delivery Services In Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College.

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Background: Delivering high quality health service by health facilities is achieved through thernimplementation of continuous quality improvement. Good health information systems are crucial forrnaddressing health challenges and improving health service delivery in developing countries. However,rnthe quality of the data produced by such systems is often poor and the data are not used effectively forrndecision-making. rnObjective: The objective of this project is to improve the quality of labor and delivery service throughrnevidence based decision making in Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College. rnMethodology: A descriptive study design with quantitative method was employed to conduct thernbaseline assessment before the implementation of the project in Saint Paul’s Hospital MillenniumrnMedical College from April to June 2014. The whole health professionals working in the labor andrndelivery unit were participated in the assessment. The data were collected using self administered closedrnstructured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. As part of the intervention and problemrnsolving mechanism, the baseline assessment was presented and also orientation on data quality, healthrnservice quality and model for quality improvement were given to the quality management team of thernlabor and delivery unit and action plan was designed after a through discussion on the results and thernorientation to solve the problems identified. rnResults: The findings of this project have shown that among the total respondents 54.8 % of thernrespondents did not have knowledge of quality improvement project. About 67.1 % of the studyrnparticipants did not know about Key Performance Indicator (KPIs). In addition 32% of the respondentsrnsaid that the team work; and 29% said knowledge about the project were the critical factors to successfulrnimplementation of Quality Improvement Project. Around 51.1 % of the respondents did not agree thatrnthe labor and delivery unit has quality of data. Even though 71.1 % of the managers responded that therernis no clear quality policy within the hospital, the same percentage responded about the availability ofrnquality improvement program. Coming to the evaluation of the staff’s commitment for the qualityrnimprovement project; the majority, 85.7 %, of the respondents responded that the staffs were fairlyrncommitted. Since this project is on progress its effect will be appreciated in the future after the properrnimplementation of the action plan designed. rnConclusion and Recommendation: High proportion of the staff did not know about the qualityrnimprovement project; for this and other reasons the quality of data in the labor and delivery unit is foundrnto be poor; however they all have shown their interest to work in team and also to have training inrnquality improvement project. Possible solutions proposed and intervention was given.

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Evidence Based Decision Making To The Continuous Quality Improvement Of Labour And Delivery Services In Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College.