Assessment And Development Of Radiological Record System The Case Of Bethel Teaching General Hospital.

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The initial idea of the study is to assess and develop the radiological recordrnsystem of Bethel Teaching General Hospital. The existing record keepingrnsystem of MRI department is manual, which has its own limitations. Basedrnon these limitations, an electronic radiological record system is developedrnand implemented at the hospital.rnThe record system of MRI department of the hospital is assessed before andrnafter the implementation of the radiological record system. And within therndepartment the service provider, data clerk/radiologist and patients arernincluded in the study to see the effects brought by the radiological recordrnsystem in service delivery. Report preparation time of MRI, Ultrasound, IVUrnand Mammography examinations are investigated before and after thernsystem implementation. Furthermore patients’ feelings of the record systemrnare described before and after the system implementation.rnThere is a significant mean time difference (drn=1.887)for MRI report (pvalue=0.000),rn(drn=1.300)rnforrnUltrasoundrnreport (p-value=0.000), (drn=0.725) forrnreports of IVU and Mammography (p-value=0.000)before and after a systemrnimplementation. Therefore the result of the study showed that MRI,rnUltrasound, IVU and Mammography report preparation mean time is shorterrnafter the system implementation than before. But based on the response ofrnpatients the new radiological system didn’t improve their waiting time to getrnMRI, Ultrasound, IVU and Mammography reports.rnThe radiological record system improved report preparation mean time. Andrnalso it is helpful in preparation of summary reports on daily, weekly,rnmonthly, semi-annual and annual basis. Furthermore the system has therncapacity to store long time patient data. In that case patient data could bernused for education and epidemiological research purposes.

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Assessment And Development Of Radiological Record System The Case Of Bethel Teaching General Hospital.