Online Information Seeking Behavior Of Health Professionals The Case Of Private And Public Hospitals In Addis Ababa

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Background: Online information has become a ubiquitous part of health information lives, sornthat most health professionals have access to and are comfortable with using it to look forrnonline healthcare provision and decision making.rnObjective: To identify the behavior of online information use of health professionals forrnprovision of health care rnMethods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in seven selected hospitals in Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia using both quantitative and qualitative methods by using self-administered surveyrnquestionnaire. Data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression statisticalrnprocedures. rnResults: The results of this study has shown that ease of information seeking, feelingrnempowered, self-health management and support from the online community has beenrnpowerful motivators. Predictive association in healthcare provision using multiple linearrnregression coefficients, when access to online health information increases by 0.039, 0.028rnand 0.025 units for 1 unit increase in the scales of empowerment, online social networkingrnand cognitive involvement with related health information respectively, and decreases byrn0.007 units for 1 unit increases in the scale of age. Likewise, Predictive association inrnhealthcare provision using multiple linear regression coefficients retained positivelyrncorrelated with access to online health information and ease of information seeking, gettingrnpreventive healthcare tests, self-healthcare management & privacy and positive outcomesrnrelated to networking and learning with increasing rate of (0.182, 0.346, 0.021 and 0.495)rnrespectively. rnConclusion: Health information from online sources is a significant component of healthrnprofessionals‘ self-healthcare provision plan and initiates collaboration of professionals workrnin overall health care dissemination and retrieval information. However, health professionalsrnexpressed strong desire to use internet sources, the study has identified a number of barriers tornuse internet.

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Online Information Seeking Behavior Of Health Professionals The Case Of Private And Public Hospitals In Addis Ababa