Utilization Of Information And Communication Technologies (icts) For Accessing Health Information By Physicians In Addis Ababa Private Hospitals

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Background: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are defined as digital andrnanalogue technologies that facilitate the capturing, processing, storage and exchange ofrninformation via electronic communication. ICTs have the potential to improve informationrnmanagement, access to health services, quality of care, continuity of services, and costrncontainment. So that, the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) withinrnhealthcare can makes significant changes in the daily operations of hospitals. rnObjective: These were to: identify the available ICTs tools and services to the physicians;rnidentify the purposes of ICTs utilization by the physicians in private hospitals; determine thernextent to which the existing information services meet information needs of the physicians;rnassess the factors to access and utilize of ICTs by the physicians; and explore the knowledge andrnattitudes of the physicians to utilize ICTs for their work. rnMethodology: A cross-sectional survey of 147 physicians in private hospitals in Addis Ababarnwas conducted to gather the availability and utilization of ICTs for accessing health informationrnto their daily clinical activities. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Datarnwere analyzed using SPSS version 16.0, and summery measures, descriptive statistics andrnlogistic regression analysis were used for interpreting and presentation the data. rnImportant Findings: The survey revealed that physicians 34.7% had own Smart phones, 87rnhave flush disk for their work , only forty-nine(33.8%) physicians survey reported that they haverncomputer available in the hospitals accessed for their works, among those thirty-three (22.4%)rnphysicians reported that they have internet connection in the hospitals. In terms of knowledgernand attitudes 74% of physicians had satisfactory knowledge ICTs utilization and 71% ofrnphysicians‟ also favorable attitudes towards ICTs for their daily activities. The study alsornpredicted the relation between the outcome variable and the possible factors. Physicians‟ activity,rnworking experience, computer access and computer training are found to have significant effectrnon ICTs utilization. Similarly, physicians‟ level of specialty, computer accessibility, workingrnburden and taking forma computer training found to have significant effects among possiblernfactors on physicians attitude towards ICTs utilization for daily operations. rnConclusion: Information has been critical part of the medical professionals‟ /physicians/rnarmament of tools to provide patient care. Utilizing ICTs can offer the physicians with enhancedrnaccess to: key data at all levels from international to local, electronic libraries of evidence, peerrnreviewed research and practice guidelines, and network of professionals in health and relatedrndisciplines. While information access is critical in delivery of quality health care services, therernare many problems that are inherent in attempting to meet the information needs of physicians atrnprivate Hospitals.

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Utilization Of Information And Communication Technologies (icts) For Accessing Health Information By Physicians In Addis Ababa Private Hospitals