Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Utilization Of Information Communication Technology Among Medical Students And Health Care Providers At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

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Background: The advancement in Information Communication Technology (ICT) providesrngreater ease of access and use to exploit the benefits of computing for medical education as wellrnas quality health service delivery. However, there is no adequate information on the level ofrnknowledge and utilization patterns of ICT among medical students and health care providers inrnEthiopia.rnObjective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and utilization of ICT among students and healthrncare providers in AAU, Medical Faculty and Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa.rnMethods: A cross sectional survey was conducted in AAU, MF and Tikur Anbessa Specializedrnhospital from February to March 2009, a total of 403 study participants were randomly selected rnfrom undergraduates, residents and health care providers based on their population size rnproportionally. The quantitative data were collected using self administered pretestedrnquestionnaire. The study was complimented with in-depth interview. Data were initially enteredrninto EPi-6 dos version and exported to SPSS version 15.0 for analysis. rnResult: A total of 334 students and 59 HCPs participated in the study and about 25% of thernrespondents had satisfactory knowledge. Around 52% of the respondents had at least onerncomputer at home and 74.8% of study subjects had Internet access mostly from Internet caférn(46.6%). Among study participants who had Internet access, 89.3% were users though 90.1% ofrnthem using it for e-mail service. About 83.2% of study participants had positive attitude towardsrnICT. The utilization rate of computer was 32.6% for all respondents. Computer possession [ORrn(95%CI) = 5.67(2.68, 11.99)], having computer training [OR (95%CI) = 2.26(1.12, 4.55)],rnknowledge on ICT [OR (95%CI) = 2.52(1.31, 4.84)], being intern [OR (95%CI) =rn5.01(1.71,14.69)] and resident [OR (95%CI) = 6.84(1.46, 31.99)] had significant difference inrnlevel of utilization among students in Addis Ababa University, Medical Faculty.rnConclusions and recommendations: The study indicated that students and HCPs had lowrnknowledge level and poor utilization status of ICT for academic purpose and service deliveryrnneeds. The findings indicate the need for improving the existing ICT course in the curriculum tornbe more skill oriented and also formal in-service ICT related trainings for the health carernproviders. Further, it is recommended that the medical faculty as well as MOH should considerrnimproving the ICT facilities for students and health care providers with the aim of achievingrnuniversal access.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Utilization Of Information Communication Technology Among  Medical Students And Health Care Providers At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital