Improving Referral Feedback In Daye Primary Hospital Sidama Region Southern Ethiopia

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Background: Referral is a two way process and ensures that a continuum of care is maintainedrnto patients or clients. Referral system is a process by which a health provider transfers thernresponsibility of care temporarily or permanently to another health professional or social workerrnor to the community in response to its inability or limitation to provide the necessary care. It isrndone from the community to the primary care health service and to hospitals and within hospitalsrnand vice versa. It also involves not only direct patient care but support services such as transportrnand communication. And once the care is completed, the receiving unit shall return the patientrnback to referring unit with timely referral feedback. This system is not practiced in Daye primaryrnHospital and uniformly. rnThe objectives: To improve referral feedback in Daye primary hospital, in Sidama regionalrnstate, southern Ethiopia. rnMethod: A pre-post intervention study to patients who were referred to Daye primary Hospitalrnreceived referral feedback when referred back to the referring unit. A chart audit was conductedrnto calculate the percentage of completion of referral feedback forms and checklist was preparedrnto collect the information during chart auditing. The sample size was 62 chart audits referred inrnduring pre intervention and post intervention. rnThe reliability of the items in the check list was tested and revised. During thernactual data collection process check the data collectors by randomly taking medical recordsrnwith the checklist. Ethiopian hospital key performance indicator/KPI/ formula was used tornanalyses the difference between the pre-post intervention change in percentage the pre-postrnintervention change in percentage of referral feedback given (KPI 39) . rnResult: Pre intervention revised documents 62 medical records contained completed referralrnfeedback from upon discharged (0%). A total of 68 referred patients were registered. All patientsrnhad referral paper (100). Fifty three of the discharged patient’s documents contained therncompleted and gave referral feedback forms (77.9%) to refer health facilities

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Improving Referral Feedback In Daye Primary Hospital Sidama Region Southern Ethiopia