Capstone Project On Reducing High Stock Out Of Medication In Kuyu General Hospital Kuyu Woredaoromia Region Ethiopia.

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Background: Shortages and stock outs of essential medicines have been increasing andrnbecome a global problem. High stock out of medication in public hospital specially has highrnimpacts on delivering health care services and reduces the community satisfaction on healthrnservices given by the public facilities. Drug stock outs cause unplanned treatmentrninterruptions. Further, repeated drug stock outs interrupt treatment which causes treatmentrndiscontinuity, and if not controlled could lead to drug resistance and/or treatment failure.rnObjective: To improve availability of essential medication in Kuyu General Hospital fromrn64% to 85% by the end of June 2020rnMethods: Pre-post intervention study was used to identify the percentage of essentialrnmedication available in Kuyu general hospital and factors contributing to stock out ofrnmedication in the hospital. During pre-intervention the percentage of medication stock out inrnthe last three months was assessed from the documents and intervention strategies wererndeveloped to improve the stock out of medication in the hospital. Strengthen DTC committeernby onsite training, preparing bin card for medication and ABC-VEN reconciliation for rnpharmaceutical in the hospital are strategic intervention that was implemented. Prernintervention assessment was done from Dec 25 2019 to February 15 2020 and post interventionrnassessmentrnwasrndonernfromrnMarchrn2020rntornJunern2020.rnDatarnwerernanalysedrnusingrnrnfrequenciesrnandrnpercentagesrnwerernestimatedrnandrnthernresultsrnwerernpresentedrnusingrntablesrnandrnrnfigures.rn rnrnResult: Availability of medication in Kuyu General Hospital increased from 64% duringrnpre-intervention to 80% after intervention. Bin cards were prepared for 83.33% of item andrnupdated for 67% of item during pre-intervention and prepared for all item assessed andrnupdate for 93.33% of item after intervention. From ABC-VEN matrix analysis done 10.91%rnof items consumes 65.10% of hospital budget. Vital items took 46.20% of items procured. rnConclusion: Strengthening DTC committee activity by providing training and using stockrnmanagement tools such as bin cards properly can reduce medication stock out in the hospital. rnRecommendation: DTC committee, Hospital management and pharmacy staff should workrnclosely to continuously improve availability of medication in the hospital.

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Capstone Project On Reducing High Stock Out Of Medication In Kuyu General Hospital Kuyu Woredaoromia Region Ethiopia.