Determinants Of Household Decision To Adopt Fuel Efficient Technology Evidence From Improved (mirt) Stove Technology A Case In Adea Woreda East Shoa Zone
Energy is vital for economic development for both developed and developing countries. The needrnfor energy in developed nations is a question of comfort but for developing nations it is arnquestion of survival and poverty. The needs' for energy in developing countries meet fromrnbiomass resource. these resources are heavily utilized and it has adverse effect on thernenvironment and natural resource. And it is directly used by inefficient stoves; this direct burningrnof biomass has impact on the health of the poor (especially women and children) , income,rnhousehold environment and resourcernrnImprovement was made but success of many interventions in dissemination of efficient improvedrnstoves in both rural and urban settings are not successful due to top down and supply nature ofrnthe programs, technology centered and lack (if compatibility with the beneficiary groups.rnTherefore, those factors indicate the need for existing research to start from the target group notrnon the technology. The main objective of this study is to analyze the determinant factors thatrnaffect household decision to adopt fuel efficient improved stove technology and to acquirerninformation about the technology. Evidence taken from improved (‘Mirt ") stove technology inrnAdea" wereda, both in rural and urban settings. The study take in to consideration the socioeconomic,rndemographic, dwelling characteristic, information diffusion and attitudinal variablesrnof the households in the study area.rnrnThe increasing scarcity of biomass and the increment of the number of people who use biomass,rnparticularly fire wood, threaten the capability of the country even to maintain the alreadyrnexisting low income and living standard (if the people. therefore, the need for adopting improvedrn‘mirt" stove not only enables the households to use fuel efficiently, but also enable them to curbrnthe problems caused by using traditional and open fire stoves as well as biomass energy relatedrnproblems. [I can also mitigate the impacts on the users' health. and the overall environment andrnnatural resources brought by using those traditional and open fire stoves.rnrnWith two conditional equations, that is information and adoption equation. This study resultrnreveals that improvement in socio economic conditions of the people have positive impact inrnacquisition and access information in urban and rural households. Moreover, the result supportsrnthe "energy Ladder" hypothesis as theoretical and functional useful framework to explain thernfuel use and improved technology adoption in the study area. The finding also reveals socioeconomicrnimprovements also have direct and Significant impact on adoption decision. Thisrn.finding also reinforce the role of government and non government organization to playa majorrnrole in provision and diffusion of information and enhal1ce the adoption decision of the people tornprotect the country natural resource and to resolve environmental problems that arise du e tornexcessive utilization (if biomass resources.