Education Training And Agricultural Technology Adoption In Resource Poor Areas Of North Wollo The Case Of Meket Woreda

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Inspite of its important contribution to the Ethiopian economy at large, the performance ofrnagriculture was disappointing for decades. Cognizant of this fact, Ethiopia is nowrnimplementing Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization (ADLI) strategy whichrnconcentrates on accelerating growth through disseminating better performing crop andrnlivestock technologies to farm households.rnDifferences on how quickly producers adopt such technologies can be explained by differencesrnin human capital and differences in knowledge of the new technology. Having this idea inrnmind, a field survey was conducted in one of the resource poor areas of north wollo (MeketrnWoreda) to identify the factors that influence the use of improved crop technologies andrnownership of livestock particularly cow and sheep among farmers in the woreda. This beingrnthe general aim of the Study, the chief objective was to see the impact of human capitalrnvariables on the adoption of these technologies. To this end, the probit model was fitted onrnprimary cross sectional data collected from 144 farm households. An attempt is also made tornsee whether or not crop technologies are profitable or not by calculating the so called valuerncost ratio.rnThe result obtained from the estimated models showed that the education level of householdrnhead, family size, participation in agricultural training programs and farm income significantlyrnaffect the adoption of fertilizer and/or improved seeds (Crop technologies). On the other hand,rncow ownership is found to be influenced by total cultivated land, farm income and access tornlivestock credit. Similarly, sheep ownership is influenced by total cultivated land, age ofrnhousehold head, distance from main road and agro-climatic condition. The calculated valuerncost ratio indicated that income from barley production can be tripled if farmers apply thernrecommended rate of fertilizer on a hectar of land sawn with local variety of barley. Similarly,rnwheat production can be doubled if improved seed is mixed with fertilizer.rnPolicies recommended from the findings of the study include infrastructual developmentrndealing with education, strengthening agricultural training programmes and research activitiesrnand provision of livestock credit particularly to resource poor farmers. It is hoped that, suchrntypes of government action would improve agricultural production of the country in generalrnand of the study area in particular.

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Education Training And Agricultural Technology Adoption In Resource Poor Areas Of North Wollo The Case Of Meket Woreda