The Legality Of The Use Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (uav) (drones) For Military Purpose The Ethiopian Perspective

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The Legality of the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (Drone); The Ethiopianrnperspective is a study that assess the legal framework governing the use of Drones by staternactors like the Ethiopian government. This is so and remains significant because on one hand,rnthe current state of affairs affirms that countries are increasingly importing Drone technology orrnat best producing it locally to modernize their respective military powers which in effect isrnhaving its own implications on their commitment towards the use force. On the other hand, thernactual deployment of Drones particularly under the context of the fight against terrorism raisesrnother questions of adherence to well established rules and principles of armed conflicts. Thesernquestions are not comprehensively addressed because the majority of scholars and experts arerndivided based on the different approaches regarding the applicability of the existing legalrnregimes of Jus ad Bellum and Jus en Belo. However, this study follows the complimentarityrnapproach not only to disseminate the approach but also to be as comprehensive as possible inrnmaking the assessment and more importantly it is to establish that it is the right to life which is arnnone-derogable right that would be violated if the use of Drones is found to be unregulated orrnillegal.rnFinally, because states do not only differ in their technological advancement and level ofrndevelopment but also in their sphere of international influence it is also to makernrecommendations appropriate to the practice in Drone use starting from states like the UnitedrnStates of America and then appropriate also with the stature of states like the FederalrnDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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The Legality Of The Use Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (uav) (drones) For Military Purpose The Ethiopian Perspective