Labor Relation Practice (the Case Of Bank Of Abyssinia)

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Labor relations are the relationship between employer, labor union and employee in a particularrnorganization. Organizations whether they are public enterprises or nonpublic enterprise, private orrngovernment, may have complication related to labor relations. The objective of this research paperrnwas to assess the labor relations system and practice and what were the problems occurred betweenrnthe interactions of these parties.rnThe researcher examined issues related to labor management relationship, what look like therninteraction between the parties, how employees react and how management responds. What is thernextent of labor and management relationship in different activates of labor relations. The study alsorntried to investigate issues on labor disputes and the grievance procedure, the collective barragingrnprocess and disputes resolution mechanisms in Bank of Abyssinia. Based on the literature arguedrncomponents necessary issues has been assed related with labor relations.rnThe researcher, Qualitative and quantitative, research approaches has been applied and data’s wererngathered from primary and secondary sources. The major and primary sources for data collectionrntools were unstructured interview and questionnaires, and secondary sources were different books,rnhandbooks, research papers and published magazines. The questionnaires were formed with Likertrnscale. The target population of this research was N=1150 with 125 sample size. The researcher hasrnbeen used Carvalh (1984) sample size determination method to determine the number of respondentsrnto be included in the study and the researcher has used high sample size to have a goodrnrepresentative as possible.rnThe finding of the research disclosed that the relations between employee, labor and managementrnsomewhat were not smooth. Influence from management side; make the interaction between them tornbecome spoiled and it create partial effect on organization labor relation system.rnBased on the research study possible recommendations and suggestions has been pointed out tornimprove labor management relation. Regarding labor relation practice, employees assume that thernrelation between them becomes unhealthy. Based on the conclusion of the study the researcher triedrnto show recommendations related to labor relations. Thus, to mitigate any difficulties related to laborrnrelation, clear discussions and negotiations have to consider as a mechanism to having betterrnrelationship result in motivation of employees and through that enhance productivity

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Labor Relation Practice (the Case Of Bank Of Abyssinia)