The Effects Of Performance Appraisal On Employee Motivation The Case Of Zte

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The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of performance appraisal onrnemployee motivation at ZTE (HK) Limited Ethiopian Branch (ZTE). This study was guided byrnfour research objectives namely: assessing the effect of performance appraisal techniques andrnstandards on employee motivation, effects of performance appraisal objectives on employeernmotivation and establishing the extent as well as the level to which performance appraisal canrnaffect employees’ motivation at ZTE. The study used both descriptive and explanatory researchrndesigns. From 245 populations a sample of 167 staff was selected by using stratified randomrnsampling and distributed also selected to each department by simple random sampling.rnStructured questionnaires were used to collect data and 141 responses were included in thernanalysis. The reliability of the instrument was checked using Cronbach Alpha and it was foundrn0.809 which is mostly considered as the highest reliability. The data were analyzed using thernSPSS_Version_25. The result of correlation analysis evidenced that performance appraisalrnstandards, methods or techniques, and objectives are positively correlated. Moreover, thernregression model analysis shows that performance appraisals objectives have importance tornemployee motivation. Hence, based on the finding the study conclude that employees need to bernaware of the actual implementation of performance appraisal practices both componentsrn(performance appraisal standard measure and methods or techniques) have to be improved forrnbetter or to enhance employee motivation. The study recommends that understanding PAS is thernmajor issue because performance objectives are one factor that influences the most on employeernmotivation on the findings. Furthermore, the company should enhance their employee motivationrnby financial and non-financial rewards scheme, should develop learning and careerrndevelopment, create work-life balance, a good working environment, and should develop a fairrnand proper PA practice. In addition, it is recommended that future researchers should assess thernfactors affecting PA by using other variables

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The Effects Of Performance Appraisal On Employee Motivation The Case Of Zte