Factors Affecting Employee Retention A Case Study Of Two International Organizations In Addis Ababa

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Employee Retention and turnover has become the top workforce management challenge inrntoday’s dynamic business environment. Global trends indicate that talent shortage has become arnprominent issue globally and caused a serious competition in the labor market. Therefore, it isrncrucially important for companies to retain their top performers even though it is a challengingrnissue encountered by many organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify andrnanalyze the major factors that affect employee retention in international organization in AddisrnAbaba – A case study of two organizations.rnThe objective of the study was to explore the relationship between employee retention and Sixrncommonly identified factors; compensation, work-life-balance, organizational culture, Healthrnand wellbeing programs, personal development and superior-subordinate relationship. Arnquantitative approach was used and data were collected through questionnaires and analyzedrnusing STATA after coding and cleaning. Data were analyzed using frequency, correlation, andrnregression analysis. Multiple regression model was applied to determine the cause and effectrnrelationship between the dependent and independent variables. The findings revealed thatrnDemographic variables are important in explaining retention rate. Marital status and age arernstatically significant determinants that affect retention rate the most important variables thatrncontributes to employee retention are compensation structure, organizational culture andrnpersonal development programs are identified as the major in order of importance

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Factors Affecting Employee Retention A Case Study Of Two International Organizations In Addis Ababa