The Effect Of Work Life Conflict On Job Satisfaction In National Bank Of Ethiopia

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Work-life conflict is among the human resource challenges that adversely affects thernproductivity of employees and leads to physical and psychological health issues. Work lifernconflict can be reflected by expectation between both work and life roles. Employees’ exposed torna positive or negative relationship between work-life conflicts and job satisfaction. To this end,rnthis study aims at exploring the effect of work life conflict on job satisfaction in case of NationalrnBank of Ethiopia. To achieve this purpose, explanatory study design was employed and data wasrncollected through cross-sectional survey questionnaire from a sample of 286 permanentrnemployees. These respondents were selected by simple random sampling method based onrnemployees’ background information, work experience, and job status. The data collected fromrnthe questionnaire was analyzed using statistical measures such as descriptive statistics,rncorrelation and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS version 20. The study result revealedrnthat Time Based Work-Family Conflict and Strain Based Work-Family Conflict had a significantrnnegative effect on Job Satisfaction of NBE employees while Behavior Based Work-FamilyrnConflict had a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction. Further that Strain Based Family-rnWork Conflict and Time Based Family-Work Conflict had a significant negative on JobrnSatisfaction whereas Behavior Based Family-Work Conflict had a significant positive on JobrnSatisfaction. National bank Ethiopia is also recommended to implement work–life balance, thatrnis, a balanced state in two role demands by not neglecting all aspects, including in work,rnpersonal, family, spiritual, and social lives

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The Effect Of Work Life Conflict On Job Satisfaction In National Bank Of Ethiopia