This paper investigated the legal and practical protection of development induced displacedrnvictims' rights in case of mega projects. For this purpose, secondary sources such as relevantrnlegal literatures, books, laws, articles and journals were analyzed while interviews and fieldrnobservations were the primary sources employed.rnEach year, millions of people around the globe are forcibly relocated and resettled away fromrntheir homes, lands and livelihoods in order to make way for large-scale development projectsrnsuch as dams. This forced relocation is known as Development Induced Displacement. The thesisrnoffers an overview of the human rights violations that have been taking place in Ethiopia as arnresult of the implementation of mega development projects by focusing on FAN project in HorrornGuduru Wollega.rnThis research examines the legal projection of the right not to be displaced and the impact ofrndispiacement on human rights specifically on the right to life, food, hOUSing, adequate standardrnof living, the right to participation and right to development. The research revealed thatrnalthough FDRE Constitution and other legislations guaranteed the right not to be displaced inrnarbitrary manner, the laws and practice are inconsistent with the standards et forth byrninternational human rights instruments. In addition to this, the thesis analyzes the shortcomingsrna/Ethiopian laws, and how the FAN has induced impoverishment and violated human rights.rnTo protect human rights of DID the research recommends the government to amend or repealrnthe laws inconsistent with human rights and to adopt laws which further protect human rights inrnprogressive way. The'study urges policy makers and concerned authority to envisage competingrnhuman rights using legality, legitimate aim and proportionality tests, to follow human rightsrnbased-approaches, to conduct human rights impact assessment before, during and afterrnevictions, to rehabIlitate the livelihood of evictees.rnFinally, the thesis recommends that Ethiopia should implement and adopt a legal frameworkrnto address issues of victim of development-induced displacement and provide project affectedrnpeople with legally enforceable rights regarding resettlement and rehabilitation.