Evaluation Of Ring Road Drainage Structure (case Study Megenagna To Bole Road)

Hydraulic Engineering Project Topics

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The Purpose of the study is to assess the Performance of Drainage Structures of the Ring Roadrnfrom Megenagna to Bole Round About and gives a mitigation measures regarding the drainagesrnstructure along the Road. An exploratory method of research has been used in the study. The studyrnuses both primary and secondary instruments of data collection. The primary data collectionrninstruments are observation, measuring the geometry (width and height) of existing cross drainagernstructures on the site, photographs that show the existing drainage structure conditions. Thernsecondary data sources are Rainfall data, soil type, land use, geological map, and DEM data andrnQGIS 3.16 (open-source software) uses for watershed delineation of the catchment and extractionrnof other important geometric characteristics (i.e length of longest flow path, slope, elevation of thernriver and area of the catchment). Hydrological analyses have been carried out by using SoilrnConservation Service (SCS) curve number Method and Rational method, the hydraulic analysisrncomputed using the HEC RAS (open-source software) that to determine water surface elevationsrnat all locations of interest for either a given set of flow data (steady flow simulation). The next steprnis to check the adequacy of the existing drainage system that suite the site conditions for therncomputed discharge, thus based on the hydraulics result, the major river exist around imperial notrnfunctioned well for the 100-return period, so shall be replaced with the new Bridge as span of 15mrnand 3.5m, which will accommodate the incoming 100-year discharge. The minor river existsrnbetween Ayat hospital and Imperial Round about, it is not having a significant flow and Can bernretain as it is, only required maintenance and clearing of the channel. Regarding to the stormrndrainage all the inlets are not functioned properly due to complete damage of inlets and blockagesrnof by rubbish/dribs. Therefore, this study recommends to maintain all the damaged inlets and clearrnthe drainage system that has been blocked by rubbish/ dribs.

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Evaluation Of Ring Road Drainage Structure (case Study Megenagna To Bole Road)