Analysis Of Causality And Export-led Growth Hypothesis (elgh) In Ethiopia

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It is generally believed that for a developing country export performance plays a pivotal rolernin providing the much-needed impetus for economic growth. Export-led growth has been putrnforward as the efficient alternative to inward- orientation strategies of development. This isrnbecause it is believed to lead to higher total-factor-productivity growth and encourage foreignrndirect investment.rnIn spite of the presence of numerous studies on the relationship between exports and economicrngrowth, empirical investigations to-date have produced mixed or contradictory results; whilernmost cross-section studies have found a positive association between export and growth, arnconsiderable number of time series methodologies found mixed results, either supporting orrnrejecting the export-led growth hypothesis.rnrnThis paper examines the Export-led growth hypothesis (ELGH) for Ethiopia for the periodrn1960-2004. It builds up on Feder's (1983) model to investigate empirically the relationshiprnbetween exports and economic (GDP) growth using recent data from the National Bank ofrnEthiopia. The study finds that the ELGH is valid in this particular case but, only in the longrnrun.rnAlthough the results of the study suggest that exports have a positive effect on the overall raternof economic growth and could be considered an "engine of growth" as the ELGH advocates,rntheir impact was not, however, statistically supported in the short-run. , Moreover, causalityrnwas found running from GDP to Export confirming uni-directional causality.

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Analysis Of Causality And Export-led Growth Hypothesis (elgh) In Ethiopia