Ambulatory Blood Pressure Control Pattern In Hypertensive Patients At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital A Cross Sectional Study

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Background: Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular problemrnglobally with a particularly increasing burden in developing countriesrnlike Ethiopia. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) is superior to officernblood pressure (OBP) measurement for diagnosing, prognosticating rnand following treatment efficacy for hypertension. There is no availablerndata on ABPM control pattern in Ethiopians. This study will determinernthe ABPM control patterns in Ethiopian hypertensive patients onrntreatment. rnMaterial and Methods: This was a cross sectional study in hypertensivernpatients at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitals outpatient departmentsrncarried out during January to May 2021. ABPM values of 244rnconsecutively sampled patients were analyzed. All patients had their BP rnmonitored over 24 h with a Tonoport V (GE CS V6 71), and the data wasrninterpreted using GE CardiosoftTM ABPM software in accordance withrnEuropean Society of hypertension guidelines. Ethical clearance wasrngiven by Addis Ababa University Institutional Review Board and thernstudy was conducted in compliance to standard ethical guidelines. rnResults: The study involved 244 adult hypertensive patients; mean agernof the patients was 59.4years and, 54% were females. 58.6% of patientsrnhad controlled OBP, while only 45.1% had controlled ABPM. The meanrnOBP was 137 (19)/81 (10) mmHg and mean 24-hr ABP was 137 (16)/81rn(10) mmHg; mean daytime BP was 136/79 ± 17/11 mmHg; meanrnnight-time BP, 138/84 ± 16/11 mmHg. Mean ABPM values were notrnsignificantly different between men and women. Comparison of ABPMrnvalues with OBP revealed high prevalence of the white coat effectrn(32%) and masked uncontrolled hypertension (46%). Presence ofrncomorbidities particularly diabetes predicted poor ABPM control. rnConclusion: More than half of patients had uncontrolled BP as perrnABPM criteria and significant discrepancy exists between ABPM and rnOBP in assessing adequacy of BP control. Guiding managementrndecisions using ABPM can improve BP control rates.

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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Control  Pattern In Hypertensive Patients At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital A Cross Sectional Study