Assessment Of The Diagnosis Follow-up And Treatment Outcomes In Patients With Hyperthyroidism At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (tash) Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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BackgroundrnHyperthyroidism is a disease condition characterized by increased synthesis and secretion of rnthyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. A diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made based on clinicalrnpresentation and abnormality in TFT characterized by low level of TSH and elevated thyroidrnhormones. Diagnosing the different forms of hyperthyroidism based on clinical manifestations andrnTFT alone is challenging. rnObjective rnTo assess the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment outcomes in patients with hyperthyroidism at rnEndocrine Clinic, TASH. rnMethods rnA retrospective follow-up study was employed to evaluate the diagnosis, follow-up and treatmentrnoutcomes of patients with hyperthyroidism at Endocrine Clinic, TASH. A census was performedrnto those patients who were aged 18 years and above, diagnosed to have hyperthyroidism onrnAntithyroid drug for more than 18 months on follow up from September 2009 to August 2012 E.C,rnexcluding pregnant women. Patients’ response to different treatment options were evaluated. Also,rnfactors associated with treatment outcomes were identified. While descriptive statistics (mean,rnproportion, percentage and standard Deviations) were used to summarize the results, multivariaternlogistic regression and chi square test were used as appropriate to check the association betweenrndependent and independent variables. Statistical significance was determined at a p value of < 0.05rnand CI of 95%. rnResults rnIn this study, a total of 230 patients with hyperthyroidism were involved, of which 208[ 90.4%] ofrnthem were female and 22[ 9.6%] were male. The female to male ratio was 9.4 to 1. The mean agernof the participants was 44 years +/-13 SD. In about 60 % of patients the duration of diagnosis ofrnhyperthyroidism was less than 04 years. The most common symptom and sign were palpitationrnand goiter accounting [89.6%] and [78.2%] respectively. rnSignificant association was found with therapy and duration of treatments. Those patients who hadrnbeen following treatment for four years and above, were more likely to have improved outcome compared to those who were following their treatment for less than four year (AOR=2.869,rnCI=1.173-7.0211, p=0.021). In addition, those patients who were on initial combination therapyrn(Beta adrenergic blocker + ATD) were 2.189 times highly likely to have improved outcomesrncompared to those who took single therapy (ATD or Beta-adrenergic blocker) (AOR=2.189,rnCI=1.144-4.187, p=0.018). rnConclusionsrnIn this study, the most common cause of hyperthyroidism was TMNG and Treatment outcome rnwas strongly associated with duration of hyperthyroidism and initial usage of combinationrntherapy.

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Assessment Of The Diagnosis Follow-up And Treatment Outcomes In Patients With Hyperthyroidism At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (tash) Addis Ababa Ethiopia