Assessing Cloud Erp Adoption In Ethiopian Shipping And Logistics Services Enterprise

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The trend these days is towards Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as organizationsrnare continuously searching for ways to operate more efficiently in order to remain competitive.rnERPs are integrated information systems that transform organizations’ internal processes,rnprovide collaboration with partners, external applications and information systems. Extantrnliterature reveal that organizations have interest in transition from an on premise method to thernnew cloud-based ERP systems because the on premise solutions have many issues andrnchallenges whereas cloud-based ERP systems facilitate extra benefits. Using the technologyorganization-rnenvironment, diffusion of innovation, and the model of innovation resistancernframeworks as lens, this research aims at identifying factors contributing for the actual adoptionrnof cloud ERP in Ethiopian context.rnA quantitative approach is adopted and survey was conducted using self-administered onlinernquestionnaire using Google Forms to gather data from employees of Ethiopian Shipping andrnLogistics Services Enterprise. Out of 295 questionnaires distributed, 152 valid questionnairesrnwere collected and considered for the data analysis. The proposed model was tested using arnpartial least square with the help of the Smart PLS 2.0 software. The proposed model explainedrn58.5% of variance in cloud ERP adoption factors. The empirical analysis result of the studyrnindicated that Relative advantage, Trust, Information technology skill and External pressure hadrnsignificant influence ( P < 0.05) on the adoption of cloud ERP in Ethiopia whereas organizationalrnculture, trialability and observability had no significant impact ( P > 0.05) on the adoption ofrncloud ERP service. The research was conducted in the single case organization, EthiopianrnShipping and Logistics Services Enterprise, which may limit the generalizability of the findings.rnThe study provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors which affect the adoption ofrncloud-based ERP technology in Ethiopia which may help the Ethiopian Shipping and LogisticsrnEnterprise to understand its workforces’ intention to adopt the cloud ERP and make strategyrnaccordingly to realize potential benefits of the system. This research has contributed to theory, inrnthat considering the shortage of literature that currently exists in general about cloud technologyrnadoption, it is an addition to enrich cloud ERP service related literatures by exploring differentrnfactors which can affect adoption process, and also help as springboard for other researchers forrnthe future work on the area. The study’s findings also provide guidance for companies that haverninterest to adopt cloud-based ERP in the future. Future research works could examine multiplerncloud ERP implementing organizations with the research model that incorporating additionalrnconstructs in users’ cloud ERP adoption.

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Assessing Cloud Erp Adoption In Ethiopian Shipping And Logistics Services Enterprise