Self-identification And Management Of Hypoglycemia Symptoms Among Insulin Or Sulphonylurea Treated Diabetic Patients Holding A Valid Driving License A Multicentre Kap Survey.

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Background- Diabetic patients on sulphonylureas and insulin are at higher risk ofrnhypoglycemic events. The body’s response to hypoglycemia include neuroglycopenicrnsymptoms which can affect the capacity of the individual to operate motor vehicles.rnThe level of knowledge about the dangers of driving in relation to hypoglycemia and thernappropriate way to manage it among diabetic patients in Ethiopia is not knownrnObjective-This survey aims to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice ofrninsulin/sulphonylurea treated diabetic patients in relation to identifying and managingrnsymptoms of hypoglycemiarnMethod-This is a multicenter KAP survey which will use data collected from 100rncompleted questionnaires from two different centers between September 2020 andrnMarch 2021. The result will be analyzed and reported as proportions for each item inrnthe questionnaire and comparison between the groups will be made using the Chi-rnsquare test using SPSS version 21.A P value of

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Self-identification And Management Of Hypoglycemia Symptoms Among Insulin Or Sulphonylurea Treated Diabetic Patients Holding A Valid Driving License A Multicentre Kap Survey.