Prevalence Of Hyperglycemia And Associated Factors Among People Living With Hiv On Dolutegravir Based Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen In Tikure Anbessa Specialized Hospital A Hospital-based Cross-sectional Study
Background rnThe introduction of dolutegravir based Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) regimen has providedrna potent treatment option for people living with HIV/AIDS. However, clinical settingsrnshowed growing evidence that dolutegravir could result in significant hyperglycemia. Thernprevalence of hyperglycemia in HIV patients taking dolutegravir is unknown. Knowledgernof dolutegravir associated hyperglycemia is important for early interventions to reducernmorbidity and mortality related to uncontrolled plasma glucose among HIV patients onrnDTG containing ART drugs. rnObjectivernThe objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of hyperglycemia among Peoplernliving with HIV taking dolutegravir based ART regimen and associated factors. rnMethodsrnA cross-sectional study design was used. Study participants who met eligibility criteriarnwere continuously selected and recorded clinical and laboratory data. Fasting bloodrnglucose (FBS) was done using a point of care glucometer(prodigyâ„¢). Maximum datarnquality was ensured, entered into epi info and analyzed with SPSS version 26 software.rnThe study was conducted from June 2021 to November 2021. rnResults rnThe population studied were predominantly females (70%). The mean age was 46.2 yearsrn(SD=10.2 years). The majority were in the age group 41-65 years (66.5%). Hyperglycemiarnwas observed in 38 (19%) of the study participants. Bivariable and multivariable logisticrnregression showed no significant association of hyperglycemia with the independentrnvariables. rnConclusionrnThe study showed a consistent hyperglycemic risk for patients on dolutegravir and pointedrnout the usefulness of a glucose monitoring plan for such patients. The study alsornhighlighted the importance of routine body weight monitoring in patients takingrndolutegravir.