Bronchiectasis Knowledge Attitude And Treatment Practice Among Residents Working At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital St. Paul Millennium Medical College And Yekatit 12 Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Cross-sectional Study

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Background: Diseases of the respiratory system are a leading cause of morbidity, mortality andrndisability worldwide. Bronchiectasis is a progressive respiratory disease characterized by arnpermanent dilation of bronchi. The prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis is increasingrnworldwide mainly due to the increased recognition of the disease and availability of betterrndiagnostic modalities. Post-infectious bronchiectasis was the most common cause ofrnbronchiectasis among those with identified risk factors, of which post-Tb bronchiectasis is therncommonest one. The most common factors that influence prognosis and mortality are severity ofrndisease, age, bacterial colonization, frequency of disease exacerbation and underlying and comorbidrncondition.rnCurrentrnguidelinesrngenerallyrnrecommendrntreatmentrninrnseveralrncategories:rnchestrnrnclearancernandrnpulmonaryrnrehabilitationrnrntechniques that aim to improve muco-ciliary clearance,rnmuco-active drugs, anti-inflammatory therapy, bronchodilators and antibiotic treatment.rnObjectives: The survey was to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of residentrnphysicians working in three hospitals towards bronchiectasis. rnMaterials and Methods: The survey was done using a self-administered questionnaire whichrnwas adopted from a similar study to resident physicians working in Tikur Anbessa specializedrnhospital, St, Paul millennium medical college and Yekatit 12 Hospitals. Data were anonymizedrnand analyzed at an individual level, field of practice, year of residency and health facility. Datarnanalysis was done using SPSS version 26. Results were presented as frequencies and chi-squarernand bivariate correlation was done to determine statistical significance and correlation. rnResults: A total of 103 participants were recruited from Tikur Anbessa specialized hospitalrn(64/103, 62.1%), St. Paul millennium medical college (30/103, 29.1%) and Yekatit 12 hospitalrn(9/103, 8.7%). Among the 103 participants (83/103, 80.6%) are internal medicine residents andrn(20/103, 19.4%) were family medicine residents. Median age was 28.9 years, with 69.9% malernparticipants. Most participants have good knowledge as to the definition, diagnosis andrninvestigation. Most participants did not have access to guidelines and recognized the need. rnConclusion: The study highlights the need for local guidelines for bronchiectasis care andrnmanagement that considers local contexts. Though most participants have good knowledge, therernwas variation in treatment and investigation of such patients. Most participants agree on the needrnfor guideline.

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Bronchiectasis Knowledge Attitude And Treatment Practice Among Residents Working At Tikur Anbessa Specialized  Hospital St. Paul Millennium Medical College And Yekatit 12 Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia  A Cross-sectional Study