Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Towards Household Transmission Prevention Among People With Chronic Hepatitis B Attending Liver Clinic At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Background: Hepatitis B infection is a major global public health problem. Better diseasernrelated knowledge among Hepatitis B patients is important for prevention of transmission andrnfacilitate screening of their sexual partners and household contacts. rnObjective: To assess the level of knowledge and practice of household transmission preventionrnamong people with chronic hepatitis B attending liver clinic at Tikur Anbessa SpecializedrnHospital, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A cross-sectional study among 229 hepatitis B patients visiting liver clinic for followrnup service was undertaken in 2021. Data were collected using a structured interviewer guidedrnquestionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods in SPSS 26. rnResults: Mean age of respondents was 40 years, 68% were male, Mean total knowledge scorernwas 11.1(79 out of 100) with 65% of respondents scoring ≥75 (defined as a high knowledge). In rnadjusted linear regression, age 3 years were associated with higher knowledge score (Rrn2rn= 0.106,rnF=8.936, P