Utilization Of Post Exposure Prophylaxis Among Hiv Exposed Health Care Workers And Nonoccupational Exposure At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2017- 2021 G.c

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Background: -HIV is a major global public health issue, having claimed 38 million lives so far.Ethiopiarnis one of the most seriously affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with many people living withrnHIV/AIDS. HIV infection in health care facilities has become a significant health problem, especially inrnresource-poor settings.Health care workers are at risk of many diseases in health setups. There is a smallrnbut definite occupational risk of HIV transmission to health care workers. PEP is recommended tornprevent the transmission of pathogens after potential exposure and further development of infection.Ifrnstarted soon after exposure, PEP can reduce the risk of HIV infection by over 80%.Although studiesrnhave found that awareness of PEP, no publication assesses utilization practice and subsequent follow-uprnin our institution. rnObjective: -To evaluate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) utilization among HIV-exposed health carernworkers and nonoccupational exposures at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH)AntiretroviralrnTreatment (ART) clinic from January 1, 2017- July 30, 2021. rnMethods: -We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study by reviewing the PEP registry book fromrnJanuary 1, 2017- to July 30, 2021, and follow-up data is collected by interviewing the exposed case.rnData were entered using SPSS version 26, and descriptive analysis was done. rnResult: -A total of 353 cases of occupational and nonoccupational exposure were reported to thernARTclinic; PEP was prescribed for 352 subjects with an average of 77 subjects/year. The mean age ofrnthe study participant was 27.3 ±7., the majority (57.2%) was male, Most (86.7%) of the exposure wasrnoccupational, 27% of occupational exposure was reported by residents, followed by nurses 26.1%. Ofrnthe occupational exposure, 30.4% were from different wards, followed by emergency, OPD (17.1%),rnandoperatingtheater (7. 2%). Of nonoccupational exposure, 48.9% of cases were due to sexual assault.rnMost (42.7%) of the exposure risk type was EC2 code type followed by EC3 code type (37.6%). Thernsource patient HIV status was unknown in 65.9% for nonoccupational and 30% for occupationalrnexposure. Two drugs (TDF/3TC) regimen was prescribed for 87.8% of cases. Over 90% of thernexposures were reported within 24hrs of the incident, and 45.2% of the exposed cases had an adversernreaction. No seroconversions were reported. rnConclusionrnIn TASH,the ART clinic risk assessment, PEP initiation followed the national occupational andrnnonoccupational exposures guideline. The type of regimen selected was a case-by-case analysis, andrnthere was more PEP request among the occupational exposure during the months between July tornDecember.rnRecommendationrnWe recommend providers should follow the exposed individuals within 48 hours, and ongoing followup,rneitherrnbyrntelephonerncallrnor,rnifrnpossible,rninrnperson,rntornassessrnPEPrntolerabilityrnandrnadherence.

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Utilization Of Post Exposure Prophylaxis Among Hiv Exposed Health Care Workers And Nonoccupational Exposure At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis  Ababa Ethiopia 2017- 2021 G.c