Evaluation Of Leucocyte Esterase Reagent Strip Test For Rapid Diagnosis Of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis In Adult Cirrhotic Patients A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Introduction: Chronic liver disease is characterized by fibrosis and architectural distortion rnof the liver. Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is the most common and fatal complication ofrnliver cirrhosis. The standard diagnostic modality of SBP is costly, laborious, and most of allrntime consuming for resource limited set up. Hence, it is crucial to find an alternative easy,rninexpensive and rapid diagnostic modality. rnObjective: To evaluate the use of leucocyte esterase reagent strip test in diagnosis of SBPrnamong cirrhotic patients in two public and one private hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,rn2021. rnMethodology: A facility based cross sectional study was conducted from August 15 tornSeptember 30, 2021 among adult cirrhotic patients at public and private health centre, AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire and medicalrnrecords. All patients had undergone paracentesis, and the ascetic fluid was processed forrnPMN, LERS and culture. The collected data was entered to SPSS version 26.0. Descriptivernstatistics was presented using tables and figures. Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPP ofrnLERS was calculated and association was assessed using Binary Logistic Regression wherernP-value and 95% CI for odds ratio are used for testing significance and interpretation ofrnresults. rnResult: Out of 94 study participants, 74 were males and the mean age was 47 9.4. Therncommonest cause of cirrhosis was HBV (36.2%) followed by ALD (26.6%) and HCVrn(21.3%). More than half (51) of the patients had CTP B, and 42 CTP C. Electrolyterndisturbance, HE, and HRS were identified at a rate of 71.4%, 64.8% and 53.8% respectively.rnOf the 16 patients who died 11 were secondary to sepsis. SBP was diagnosed in 56 patientsrnby ascetic fluid PMN count as compared to 51 detected by LERS test and 2 by ascetic fluidrnculture. At a cut off of 2rn+rn, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 81.8%, 94.6%, 94.7%,rnand 81.4%. In comparison, at cut off level of 3rn+rn; sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV werern60%, 97.2, 92.3%, and 81.4% respectively. The overall accuracy of the test was 88.3% andrnthe LDOR was 70. rnConclusion: Our study demonstrated that LERS test is a simple, inexpensive, accessible, andrnsensitive alternative rapid screening tool for diagnose of SBP. rnBudget: Overall, a total of 80,500 Ethiopian Birr was utilized to accomplish the thesis work.

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Evaluation Of Leucocyte Esterase Reagent Strip Test For Rapid Diagnosis Of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis In Adult Cirrhotic Patients A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.