Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Residents Towards Patient Handover During Transitions Of Care Of Admitted Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

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Abstract rnBackground: A patient handover refers to the transfer of care from one care provider to the nextrnand involves three aspects: a transfer of information, responsibility and authority.rn rnResearchersrnand hospitals have been implementing different standardized models of handing over patientsrnand giving trainings to their staff on how to use this models. rnObjective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of residents currently doing theirrnresidency at TASH towards the effectiveness of currently implemented handing over system ofrnadmitted patients and use of standardized methods. rnrnMethods: A cross sectional survey was conducted which includes current residents at AAU,rnSchool of Health Science, using a structured questionnaire. Residents with previous attachmentrnto the places where in-patient service is provided in TASH during the years 2018-2021 werernincluded. The study was conducted from August 2021 – November 2021 G.C. They werernprovided with consent form to participate in the study and were asked to fill a structuredrnquestionnaire online. The data collection instruments was be coded and data was checked andrnentered using the software Microsoft Excel 2013. It was cleaned and edited accordingly and wasrnexported to SPSS version 26.0 statistical package for analysis and checked for missing valuesrnbefore analysis. The Descriptive analysis was used frequency analysis. rnrnResult: This study showed that residents are knowledgeable (n=245, 90.8%) about thernconsequences of poor handover on patient outcome, however, they lack knowledge (n=245,rn3.1%) when it comes to standardized methods of handing over patients. Their attitude towardsrnthe current method they are using to handover patients is not good as well (n=245, 72.7%).rnRather they showed good attitude (n=245, 87.6%) towards change to a standardized and properrnway of handover. They also feel positive about possible training of all residents on thisrnstandardized methods. When it comes to practice, this study showed a significant amount ofrnresidents reported as having poor practice (n=245, 42.5%).rnrnRecommendations and Conclusion: This survey has shown that poor handovers of patients rnduring end of care are common in TASH and at times lead to bad patient outcome. It is thereforernimportant to train and develop a system where standardized handovers are undertaken. Furtherrnstudies can be done to compare if this new methods decrease the rate of patient harm as a resultrnof poor handover.

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Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Residents Towards Patient Handover During Transitions Of Care Of Admitted Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized  Hospital