Prevalence And Predictors Of Diabetic Kidney Disease Among Diabetes Patients In Diabetic Clinic Of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Cross Sectional Study

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Background: Diabetes is the leading cause of CKD and ESRD in the worldwide. Diabetic kidneyrndisease, one of which is Diabetic Nephropathy, is one of the common and significantrncomplications in Diabetes Patients next only to cardiovascular complications. Many factors arernthought to be associated with the development of DKD including older age, longer duration ofrnDM, Poor Glycemic Control, Obesity. Dyslipidemia and HTN among others. rnObjective: The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence and predictors of DiabeticrnKidney Disease in patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital. rnMethods: This cross-sectional study was done on 308 randomly selected Diabetic patients onrnfollow up at Diabetic Clinic at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital from July to November 2021.rnStructured questionnaire was employed to collect data on the sociodemographic, clinical andrnlaboratory data of the study subjects. Trained physician data clerks collected data from thernchart, interview and electronic medical records. Data was entered into EpiInfo 3.1 and wasrnexported to SPSS version 25 for analysis. Descriptive analysis was done for all the cases. Ethicalrnclearance was sought from the Institutional Review Board of the department of InternalrnMedicine, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University. rnResults: One hundred nighty seven (64%) of the study participants are female. The mean age isrn51.6 (95% CI= 41.0-62.0) years. Most (91.6%) of the study participants are from Addis and mostrnof the patients have Type 2 DM (80.8%) and the remaining have Type 1 DM. Most of thernpatients have duration of Diabetes greater than 05 years (78.8%) and only 16 patients (5.1%)rnhave duration of diabetes less than 01 year. Most (55%) of the study participants have a BMI inrnthe overweight or obese category with mean BMI of 25.9 (95% CI, 22.7-28.9). Most of thernpatients have hypertension (57.5%) as a comorbidity. The prevalence of dyslipidemia in thernstudy population is 77.6%. Our study found the prevalence of DKD in DM patients following atrnDiabetes Clinic of TASH to be 23.05%. Hypertension is the only significantly associated riskrnfactor in this study. rnConclusion: The results of our study show a high prevalence of DKD in Diabetes patients inrnDiabetes clinic of TASH. Our study also confirmed the high prevalence of other CVS risk factorsrnincluding Hypertension, Overweight/Obesity and Dyslipidemia. Hypertension is associated withrnsignificantly higher risk of developing DKD in patients with DM.

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Prevalence And Predictors Of Diabetic Kidney Disease Among Diabetes Patients In Diabetic Clinic Of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Cross Sectional Study