Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Measured Using Pulse Oximeter Among Healthy Adults At Moderate To High Altitude City Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: At high altitude, human body undergoes some changes as part of acclimatizationrnand adaptation for exposure to inadequacy of oxygen due to reduction on barometric pressurernof oxygen. Inadequacy of oxygen might lead to hypoxemia. The other well-known componentrnof high altitude physiological adaptation is change in hemoglobin concentration. It is veryrnimportant to know the changes in peripheral oxygen and hemoglobin (hgb) values of healthyrnadults living in moderately to high altitude areas such as Addis Ababa so that it helps torndetermine target values during disease states. However, such data are lacking for residents ofrnAddis Ababa. rnObjective: The study was conducted to assess the profile of distribution of peripheral oxygenrnsaturation measured with pulse oximeter among healthy adult population in the moderate tornhigh altitude city of Addis Ababa. We also determined the hemoglobin concentration level ofrnthe participants to see if there is hematologic effect of altitude elevation on the permanentrnresidents of Addis Ababa. In addition, other predictors of oxygen saturation in residents ofrnAddis Ababa were assessed. rnMethods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between the dates of July 30, 2021 andrnNovember 30, 2021 on permanent and active apparently healthy residents of Addis Ababa.rnData was collected via structured questionnaire as well as direct measurement of weight,rnheight, RR, PR, BP, Hgb level and spo2rn with appropriate gadgets. The collected data wasrnchecked for completeness and consistency and was entered to Excel. SPSS version 26.0 wasrnused for analysis. Mean, median, standard deviation and variance were calculated. The Chisquarerntestrnwasrnusedrntornidentifyrndeterminantrnvariables.rnArnsignificantrnlevelrnofrnprn

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Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Measured Using Pulse Oximeter  Among Healthy Adults At Moderate To High Altitude City Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.