Sociodemographic Features Risk Factors Clinical Characteristics And Treatment Outcomes Of Patients With Chronic Portal Vein Thrombosis Seen At Tash And Adera Medical Center During The Period Between August 2019 And August 202

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Background:Portal vein thrombosis is the most common cause of extra-hepatic portal veinrnobstruction. Its prevalence is variable based on studied population, but is higher in developingrncountries than developed countries. PVT is mainly associated with cirrhosis and depends on thernseverity of the disease. rnObjectives: This study was conducted to assess the socio-demographic features, risk factors,rnclinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with chronic portal vein thrombosisrnseen at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital (TASH) and Adera medical center during the periodrnbetween August 2019 and August 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study also tried to assessrnthe difference of presentation and outcome of patients between cirrhotic andnoncirrhoticPortalrnveinrnthrombosisrn(PVT).rnrnMethods and materials: The study will be conducted as a cross sectional cohort descriptivernstudy in two centers to describe the socio-demographic features risk factors, clinicalrncharacteristics and treatment outcome of PVT in patients following at Gastrointestinal (GI)rnoutpatient clinic, or admitted at the emergency department (ED), intensive care unit (ICU) orrnmedical wards in TASH and Adera medical center, Addis Ababa University. Datawas gatheredrnthrough review of medical records and a questionnaire regarding their demographicrncharacteristics, and clinical information including etiology, results of laboratory and imagingrntests.The data was checked for clarity and completeness. Computerized data analysis wasrnconducted by using SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences) version 26 software. rnResults:The mean age at diagnosis was 34.64 (± 11.86) years. Majority of patients in the studyrnwere male (52 (69.3%) Vs 23(30.7%)). Majority of patients (63.9%) had chronic presentationrnthan acute presentation, which was seen in 36.1%. Majority of patients had normal liverrnenzymes and coagulation profile. The most common risk factors identified in this study wererncirrhosis (28%), MPD (17.3%) and intra-abdominal infections (12%). The most common rncompilations identified were esophageal varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, ascites and rngastric varices. Endoscopic variceal band ligation was done, nonselective beta blocker,rnanticoagulation was given for 29, 38& 24 patients, respectively. Mortality among the 75rnpatients were 2.7%, 12 patients were lost to follow up and 61 patients continued follow up.rnMortality was mainly as a result of the underling cirrhosis. rnConclusion: Most Portal vein thrombosis patients in this study had chronic presentations ofrnsymptoms. Mortality of patients with cirrhosis is higher than those without cirrhosis.

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Sociodemographic Features Risk Factors Clinical Characteristics And Treatment Outcomes Of Patients With Chronic Portal Vein Thrombosis Seen At Tash And Adera Medical Center During The Period Between August 2019 And August 202