Demographic And Socio-economic Correlates Of Fuel Saving Technologies In Tehuledere Wereda The Case Of Mirt Stoves

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The major goal of this study is to analyze the demographic and socio-economicrncorrelates of owning fuel saving technologies in Tehuledere Wereda. Here the householdrnfuel technologies particularly focus to the ownership of improved "Mirt" stoves.rnThis study is carried out using quantitative and qualitative data obtainedfrom the surveyrnof 403 households in Tehuledere Wereda. A multilevel logistic regression is fit to analyzernthe demographic and socio-economic correlates of the ownership of improved "Mirt"rnstoves using the SPSS 15.0 version software. Qualitative data were also collected torn--facilitate the interpretationQjresu/ts oiJhe anal)!sis oithe quantitative data.rnThe descriptive analysis of the study revealed that only 54.6 percent of the samplernhouseholds owned the improved "Mirt" stoves and those households that do not own thernimproved "Mirt" stoves constituted 45.4 percent. Ownership of improved "Mirt " stovesrnis determined by different demographic and socio-economic factors. The results on thernbivariate analysis shows the demographic variables like age, household size and maritalrnstatus of the household heads significantly correlated with ownership of householdrnimproved "Mirt" stoves. Among the socio-economic variables, literacy status, incomernand asset are also strongly correlated with ownership of the improved "Mirt" stoves.rnMoreover, the exposure related variables agro-ecology, training, and perception ofrnprices are significantly associated with ownership of the improved "Mirt" stoves,rnwhereas the multivariate analysis results indicated that age, literacy status, income,rnasset, marital status, number of rooms of the house, training, number of females in thernhousehold, perception of prices and agro-ecology are significantly correlated withrnhousehold ownership of improved "Mirt" stovesrnIn conclusion, modern technologies such as improved stove technologies can reducernenvironmental degradation through the efficient use of fuel wood for household activities.rnMoreover, these stoves are helpful for minimizing the number of times women andrnchildren are going to collect fuel wood from fields, and are means of reducing indoor airrnpollution which brings different health problems especially to women and children.

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Demographic And Socio-economic Correlates Of Fuel Saving Technologies In Tehuledere Wereda The Case Of Mirt Stoves