Strategic information as a computerized system, that can be applied at all levels of anrnorganization for both internal andlor external purposes, has emerged in the mid 1980s inrnthe evolution of information systems. This study has been carried out in order to suggestrnstrategic information systems plan that can be integrated with the business strategicrnplans of CBE. For this purpose, a survey mainly through interview and documentrnreview, and site observation, has been conducted to collect information about (1) therncurrent infrastructure of information technology, (2) the stage of the information systemsrnat the CBE, (3) the sources of information for strategic planning, (4) the critical successrnfactors of CBE and (5) how the pilot process reengineering and change resistance arernhandled at CBE. The place of information systems in the organizational structure ofrnCBE has also been examined.rnThe study revealed that the existing infrastructure of the information technology atrnCBE is not adequate to strategic applications. There is also strong change resistance forrnthe process reengineering and computerization effort. The key position for therndevelopment of information systems, the Director for Information Services, is stillrnvacant. The IT project office is headed by a person of business background. Thernpractical implementation of the Wide Area Network (WAN) project has been delayedrndue to problems of shortage of technically qualified personnel. Notwistanding all these,rnthe findings also indicate that the planned investment (Birr 100,000,000) on IT and strong commitment on the side of top management, CBE has a great potential tornaccelerate the development of information systems to the highest stage.rnIn conclusion, the study has also made recommendations with special emphasison on thernmeasures that should be taken to upgrade the human and organizational capacity ofrnCBE to apply IT for strategic purposes.