Introduction: In severe form patients with positive (RT-PCR) covid19 candevelop pneumonia or ARDS. It is reported that 30-50%of covid19 hospitalizedpatients can develop pneumonia. CXR/CT scan helps to identify covid19pneumonia by recognizing radiological manifestations of covid19 out of otherCXR/CT scan manifestations. Delay in diagnosis and subsequent treatment,developsserious acute respiratory failure, multiple endorgan failure, or death.Wedescribedsociodemographic, comorbidities and radiological manifestations insymptomatic patients with positive (RT-PCR)covid19 admitted at TASH.Methodology:A descriptive hospital based retrospective study was conductedamongsymptomaticpositive(RT-PCR)covid19 patients admitted in the covid19ICU and isolation covid19 wardfrom November 2020 to October2021. All adultpatients with CXR/CT scan recorded inmed-web (Tele-medicine internet softwareversion 7.0.11) computerized hospital medical system were included.Arrangements was made for abnormal CXR/CT scan to be reviewed jointly with aThoracic Radiologist. All information was recorded usingcase report formandanalysis was done using SPSS version 23.0Results:243patientswere recruited in this study, out of them 51.4%were female.Median age was 46years, IQR (30 - 60). The prevalence of radiologicalmanifestations was 65.8%, out of them 51.9%were male.Predominant CXR findings were bilateral 48.6%, multiple 47.3%, interstitial42.0%, patchy opacities 40.3%, peripherally 21.0%, lower 55.1% and middle46.1% lung zones. Most lesions had increased densities 44.9% followed by GGOdensities 17.7%. Common CT scan findings were bilateral 70.6%, multiple lobes70.6% and GGO23.5%.Majority of patients withold age (p-value=0.000*), CVD(p-value=0.016*),DM(p-value=0.013*), chronic lung disease (p-value=0.018*),PTB(p-value=0.038*),respiratory symptoms (p-value=0.000*), cough (p-value=0.000*), dyspnea(p-value=0.000*) chest pain (p-value=0.008*) and lower SPO2 (p-value=0.000*)when CXR/CT scan was taken had radiological manifestations.Majority cancerpatients didn’t have radiological manifestations (p-value=0.000*)Conclusion and Recommendation: Radiological manifestations in symptomaticpatients with positive (RT-PCR) covid19 admitted in isolation and covid19 ICU atTASHare common.Early recognition of radiological manifestations and propermanagement of comorbiditieswill improve care in covid19 patients.Patientswithcomorbidities, symptoms and radiological manifestationsshould bernscreened for covid19 (RT-PCR).COVID-19 Patients with cancer may not showradiologic abnormalities.