Assessement Of Water Use Management Of Community-based Irrigation Schemes In Koga Irrigation Development Amhara Region Baher Dar Ethiopia

Institute Of Development Research (idr) Project Topics

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Irrigation contributes significantly in increasing availability of farm products, income ofrnhouseholds and in reducing poverty. It is one approach to address the weak performance ofrnagriculture sector due to lack of adequate rainfall, variabi lity and duration of rainfall. KogarnIrrigation Project is one of the projects designed to satisfy basic needs of society and to ensurernself sufficient in food production. It is community-based large scale irrigation. Managing suchrnlarge scale irrigation scheme is a challenge. This study is aimed to assess and identify the factorsrnaffecting the successful implementation and Water Use Management problems of communitybasedrnirrigation schemes and to indicate and recommend solutions to the problems. Based on thernidentified problems I set the objectives: to assess the current community-based irrigation waterrnuse management and its impacts on the irrigation development; to examine the constraints and tornidentify the factors affecting the successful implementation of community-based irrigationrndevelopment; and finally to identify the type of interventions that should be taken to sustain thernirrigation schemes. Based on the objectives appropriate methodologies are designed torninvestigate them. Lack of access to market, loss of water when irrigating, lack of awareness onrnirrigation were identified. Moreover, lack of training related to irrigation, low price for thernproducts, crop disease and the high cost of inputs are the constraints encountered in the irrigationrnschemes. It is recommended that Koga irrigation project office should build strong institutionrnaccommodated well experienced marketing expert or a group of experts is/are recruited that canrnperform market assessment and create market ties with different governmental and publicrnorganizations such as hospitals, super markets universities and colleges; try to install agroprocessingrnfirms in/around the scheme by organizing the union, taking credit from developmentrnbanks such as ADB. Farmers should get continuous irrigation, land and water use managementrntraining and must be aware of the schemes and they should be informed to safeguard and torndevelop sense of ownership.rnKey Words: Water Supply, Water allocation, Water conflict, Water distribution, Waterrnmanagement, Community-based irrigation, Cash crops, Food grains, Market in/ormation "ystem,rnMarket oriented! proposed crops

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Assessement Of Water Use Management Of Community-based Irrigation Schemes In Koga Irrigation Development Amhara Region Baher Dar Ethiopia