Studies On Adverse Effects Of Agrochemicals On The Environment In Tanzania A Computer-aided Inforamtion Support Sytem

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The study is an attempt to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the informationrnsystems on the protection of the environment against its pollution and degradation due tornmisuse and abuse of agrochemicals. Its objective is to facilitate the access to timely and correctrninformation for use by deci sion makers, scientists and researchers, agricultural extensionrnworkers as well as by the farmers and others interested in the adverse effects of agrochemicalsrnto the environment.rnThe study considers the existing information infrastructures within the Tanzanian socioeconomicrnsetup, with a view of exploring how the people could have a better access torninformation on adverse effects of agrochemicals. The inherent weaknesses in the existingrnagrochemical information infrastructures have been indicated. In order to overcome thernapparent weaknesses, it is proposed to establish a computer-based Information Support Systemrnon the Effects of Agrochemicals on the Environment in Tanzania (ISSEAED within thernNational Environment Management Council (NEMC). The objectives, functions and structurernof ISSEAET are elaborated.rnThe justification for the study is the need to improve on the collection, analysis andrndissemination of information on the adverse effects of agrochemicals since the latter arernplaying a significant role in agriculture. Agrochemicals are credited for increasing farm yields,rnbut they are also associated with numerous hazards to the health of the people and of thernenvironment.rnThe methodology adopted in the study includes, the use of sets of questionaire for therncollection of data which have been used in the designing of different databases. Questionairesrnhave also been used in ascertaining the infonnation needs of the potential users of ISSEAET.rnDocumentary so urces, as well as interviews and on-site visits, also have been used for therncollection of data.rnThe information system being proposed recognizes, however, the need for flexibility inrnorder to accommodate the changes in Information Technology and in the country's politicalrnand sociology-economic orientation.rnMATISSE is important in the country's desire to establish a computerized NationalrnPetrochemical Information Network System. Access to relevant information on how to usernpetrochemicals while, at the same time, keeping the environment clean is a challenge whichrnMATISSE intends to meet by the provision of its information products and services.

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Studies On Adverse Effects Of Agrochemicals On The Environment In Tanzania A Computer-aided Inforamtion Support Sytem