Appropriate Technology Based Information System For Distance Education In The Ethiopian Civil Service College

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These days when, there are cost and access crises in on-campus education, it is not wisernto continue with on ly on-campus education . However, distance education withoutrntechnologies that reduces the time and di stance li mitations is likely to suffer a lot.rn. Therefore, this study, after some literature review, questionnaire survey and discussionrnwith users and management body of the Ethiopian Civil Service College, and analysis ofrndifferent documents, a Web technology based distance education is proposed. Thern______ technolog~-was-selectecLb~-firsl--narrowing-th e...-candidate-technologies-to-interact.i¥e----crntechnologies (those that let bi-directional flow of information) and then selecting one byrnevaluating the two candidate technologies: videoconferencing and Web and put Web asrndominant teclmology to be used in distance education.rnBased on the requirement analysis made this study proposed a Web based informationrnsystem and designed a framework for such a system which would enable the users tornmeet their needs. A Web based prototype, based on the framework, was also developed.rnThe system development steps employed are analysis (analysis of anticipated problems,rnand activities, information need in the distance education, analysis of criticalrncomponents), planning (listing goals, deciding how to perform and prioritizing) andrndesigning the structure of the Web based system. The prototype was developed mainlyrnusing a tool called Visual Inter Dev.

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Appropriate Technology Based Information System For Distance Education In The Ethiopian Civil Service College