An Information Support System For Industrial Development In Uganda With Special Reference To The Small Scale Sector A Proposal

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The role of information in the scientific, technical and socio-economicrndevelopment of nations is becoming widely accepted . In what has come to bernreferred to as the "information age" , a larger percentage of people in therndeveloped world are now employed in the information sector and the same trendrnis perceptible in the industrialising economies as well. In Uganda, the future ofrnthe country lies in the rejuvenation of the industrial sector, which presently ,rnaccounts for less than 5 per cent of the GDP. More than 80 percent of thernmanufacturing sector in Uganda is comprised of small scale enterprises. Thernproblems faced by the SSIs are numerous and diverse. However, a criticalrnanalysis of these problems reveal that they all have a bearing to the informationrnsituation in the country, which presently remains grossly ill-developed.rnTwice the government of Uganda, assisted by international agencies has tried tornaddress the issue of industrial information in the country. These two attempts,rnhowever, proved futile, partially due to poor perception of information as arnresource by planners, decision makers, manufacturers, etc.rnWith the advent of information technology, the information component has gainedrnnew dimensions. Information technology (IT) is today an indispensable tool in therncapture, storage, processing, analysis and dissemination of data and informationrnin industries as well as in other organisations. IT application has transformedrninformation systems and centres from mere custodians of information to amanagement tool of industries. Its impact is being felt in all sectors of thernnational economy, the manufacturing sector in particular. Information,rnindustrialisation and economic development are a mutually synergising trinity.rnThis thesis discusses the relevancy of information systems and centres inrnindustrialisation from Uganda's point of view. It proposes the need to developrna national scientific, technical and industrial information centre (NSTIIC). It isrnproposed that among other things, NSTIIC should aim at bringing together in arnnetwork of database system, all institutions, organisations, etc., whose activitiesrnand functions are contributory to the growth of the industrial sector in Uganda.rnIt also advocates for a serious campaign to sensitise planners, decision makers,rnmanufactures and all those involved in guiding the national economy, big orrnsmall , so as to help them develop an information culture in their day-to-dayrnactivities.

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An Information Support System For Industrial Development In Uganda With Special Reference To The Small Scale Sector A Proposal