As evidences show, substantial number of people with disabilities lives in Ethiopia. Though the rnnumber of people with disabilities is significant, disability inclusiveness in different services and rnopportunities is negligible. This study aims to explore disability inclusiveness in Ethiopian rnBroadcasting Corporation in respect to employment opportunity, disability issue coverage, rnattribution of disabled sources, and accessibility of built environments. To do so, qualitative rnresearch method is preferred and the data were collected through depth interviews, focus group rndiscussions and from secondary sources. Twelve journalists and media representatives rnparticipated on the indepth interviews and 2 FGDs were held with twelve members each. rnGenerally the data collected through these techniques divulge that implementation of disability rninclusiveness is minimal in the Corporation. To put specifically the finding regardingrnemployment reveals that PWDs are seldom employed in the organization. Concerning disability rnissue coverage, the findings clearly confirm that disability issues were covered rarely. The other rnfinding points out that the views of people with disabilities as a group or individually is rarely rnattributed in stories dealing with common interest issues. This is due to lack of awareness of rnrepresentatives & journalists.