This research project has explored and critically assessed the effect of media on the promotion rnof peace. The purpose of the study was to assess how ETHIOPIAN RADIO ‘’Seate Zena’ ’newsrnreporting is promoting peace. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods rnapproach to analysed the news content data collected from April 2018 to March 2019 and to rnanalyse the in-depth interview data collected from the selected Ethiopian Radio 11 respondents. rnThe quantitative data were analysed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Forrnthis purpose, from one-year total 1233 news items, 510 news of 4 months are selected from the rnarchive by probability sampling, non-probability sampling as well as purposive and systematic rnsampling methods were used in the study to get enough information. The study will use as an rninput and turning point for further research to journalists, policy makers, students, researchers rnand for other stake holders to the issue. The findings of the study showed that, the station isrnalmost does not pay much attention to cover issues of peace promoting news in the given periodrnof time. In addition to this, the findings of the study also indicates that the journalists working in rnEthiopian Radio have been facing internal and external challenges that hinder them to report rnissues of promoting peace. Therefore, in order to solve the problem beside editorial review done rnand new additional peace specialized team is organised, journalist of Ethiopian Radio should be rnsupported by the organization. Government political influence on the media should be limited is rnalso part of the recommendation. In addition to this, capacity building for both journalists and rnmedia managers is important. Further research on the practice and challenges of media rncoverage on peace promotion report is recommended timely as much as possible