Media Coverage Of Covid-19 In Ethiopia Comparative Analysis Of Ethiopian Television And Fana Television

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Considering the importance of media coverage in influencing attitude and knowledge of the rnpublic, this study assessed news coverage of COVID-19 in Ethiopia, comparing the coverage of rnETV 57 and Fana 90. The major purpose of the study was to explore media coverage and its role rnin controlling the spread of the COVID -19 pandemic in Ethiopia. Media coverage was analyzed rnusing quantitative and qualitative content analysis approach; in terms of time allocation, rnfrequency of coverage of specific news stories and with regard to how news topics were framed rnin the two media. The content analysis was supported by key informant interviews with selected rnexperts and officials from the two media. For the content analysis, a total of 70 days news videos rn(5 days per month for 7 months, for each media); that is, in total 3,885 minutes of news stories rnwere analyzed. Major results indicated that the two media provided good coverage of COVID 19, but ETV gave higher proportion of coverage to COVID-19 related news than Fana rnTelevision: i.e., 23% of the total 42 minutes of ETV news than 18% of the 70 minutes news of rnFana was allocated to COVID-19 related news. Immediately, after the first COVID-19 cases rnwere reported in Ethiopia, both media - Fana and ETV news - gave high attention for the issue rnand coverage of COVID-19 related news was very high. However, coverage of COVID-19 news rnstarted to decline through time. The focus of the two media shifted from COVID-19 news to other rnemergencies due to political instabilities and conflicts. Furthermore, analysing the type of rnframes employed by the media, it is found that news stories of the two media were dominated by rnconstructive framing which accounted for about 64% of the total time allocated for COVID-19 rnrelated news, while fear framing accounted only for about 28% the news stories. Constructive rnframing in total was reported by 111 news stories which is where Fana reported many news rnstories using constructive frame (57) as compared to ETV (54). The two media contributed in rninforming and creating awareness towards the pandemic and the public to follow recommended rnpreventive measures. However, the decline in the media coverage through time by both media rncan also contribute to a declining attention by the public and government towards the disease. rnHence, this study, indicating a close relationship between media coverage and the contribution rnthey can play in controlling the spread of the disease, recommends a regular media coverage rnwith well researched understanding of the possible spread and effects of the pandemic.

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Media Coverage Of Covid-19 In Ethiopia Comparative Analysis Of Ethiopian Television And Fana Television