This study set out to examine how The Reporter Newspaper and Ahram Online framed the Grand rnEthiopian Renaissance Dam tripartite negotiation, between January 08, 2020 and August 25, rn2020- in purposive sampling selected. Guided by the time frame, all news articles that entertain rnthe GERD Tripartite negotiation downloaded from the two media websites. Theories of agenda rnsetting and framing have been employed as theoretical frameworks for this study. The study rnemployed both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather and analyze the data. Purposive rnsampling was used to select the media and the news items for this research. The study revealed rnthat Right frame, development frame, technical frame, internationalization frame and distrust rnframe were used by the two media outlets.rnIn order to structure the stories related to the tripartite negotiation it was found out that rninternationalization frame was the most predominant frame used by Ahram online and used rnsecondly by the Reporter newspaper. Ahram online has used internationalization Frame in its rnreports for three purposes. The Reporter predominantly used the water rights frame. It remarks rnthat Ethiopia has a natural and sovereign right of using its natural water resources. On the rncontrary, the right frame helped Alahram to demonstrate the negative consequence of GERD on rnthe " historical " water right of Egypt. It is important to create a platform that can help Ethiopia, rnEgypt and Sudan media professional work together in order to capitalize the positive rncontribution of media in resolving tension and to build trust among the three countries people.