Attitude Of Employees And Public Relation Officers On The Use Of Facebook As A Public Relation Tool Case Of The Federal Ministry Of Trade And Industry

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The purpose of this study was to assess the use of social media, especially Facebook, as a public rnrelation tool in the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Ethiopia. The study used an exploratory rnresearch design with both quantitative and qualitative data collection method. The study was rnconducted using the structured questionnaire and interview guided questions. The study also rnused the purposive sampling design. Data was analyzed through statistical percentage for rnquantitative data and thematic analysis was used to describe the qualitative data. The findings of rnthe research indicated that social media was used mostly to find news and information, to share rninformation with others; to get feedback from audience; and to see what is going on in the social rnmedia world. The study also tells us three forms or applications/mediums of social media are rnofficially used to disseminate information in the organization. These applications were rnFacebook, Telegram & Twitter; where Facebook is the most preferred mode of social mediarn(85.3% of respondents reported it). The research finding also revealed that the organization has rnno standardized social media ethics and codes of conduct. Finally, the study recommends that the rnorganization should: have the standardized social media ethics and codes of conduct; and rnfacilitate & provide the in-service training programs for the Public Relations Practitioners to rnupdate their knowledge & skill.

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Attitude Of Employees And Public Relation Officers On The Use Of Facebook As A Public Relation Tool Case Of The Federal Ministry Of Trade And Industry