Assessment Of Community Radio Sustainability In Ethiopia Case Study Of Kembata Community Development Radio (fm 105.8)

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Know a day’s information plays a critical role in the society. In this regard Community radiornalso critical to address such needs. Although community radio aim to serve community members,rnthe station not reaching the entire community member as the result of sustainability challenges;rnsocial, financial and institutional. This research therefore focuses is assessing sustainability ofrncommunity radio in Ethiopia; of case KCDR. To this end, the study employed qualitativernresearch method. As the result individual in-depth interview and document analysis is used torncollect data. And this study situated within the theoretical framework of UNESCO communityrnradio principles and Gumucio Dagron (2001) sustainability of community radio prospective. Thernstudy findings showed that KCDR source of income are advertisement, program sponsorship,rndonations, grants, fundraising well-wishers. However, the station financially not sustained asrnwell. The research clearly indicates that, there is overdependence on donor support. As thernresult, the station is struggling especially when donors pulled out. Findings also showed that therncommunity did not directly participate in formulating plans and policies of the radio service.rnThis showed that these communities are missing the chance to administer the station. Beyond, inrnthis research a new variable called ―co- management‖ is emerged in institutional sustainabilityrntheme. It is a system that navigates Different funding possibilities most feasible for localrncircumstances should therefore be explored. In doing so, this solution will allow the station to bernadministered under large government institutions. Therefore, based on the finding the researcherrnrecommended that; KCDR should maintain plat form for community participation in terms ofrnprogram production, decision making, and ownership; the institution should also make clearrnpolicy and regulation that is consistent with their environment.

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Assessment Of Community Radio Sustainability In Ethiopia Case Study Of Kembata Community Development Radio (fm 105.8)