Comparative Media Coverage Analysis Of Gerd In Ethiopian Herald And Al Aharam Of Egypt Between February 2019 And August 2020

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Abay (called Nile in foreign lands) is the longest river in the world crossing 6,700rnkilometers through eleven riparian countries of Africa. Even though Ethiopia isrnthe top most contributor of Nile water, so far, Ethiopia utilizes less than onernpercent of the potential of Nile for irrigation and hydroelectric power and it isrnfaced with severe drought. However, the issue of water allocation in the NilernBasin has been in quandary, particularly between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopiarnsince Ethiopia launched the construction of GERD on 2 April, 2011. Accordingly,rnthis study has employed comparative document analysis method to identify therndifference in coverage of GERD between Herald and Al Ahram newspapers. Tornthis end, the study has judiciously selected 156 samples of articles (78 from eachrnnewspaper). The time covers between February 2019 to August 2020 in whichrnGERD diplomacy was uniquely intensified. To this end, mass communication andrnmedia coverage theories and explanations are thoroughly discussed. The researchrnemployed purposive sampling and qualitative method of investigation. Thernfindings show that Al-Ahram prioritizes coverage of negotiation followed byrnissues of politics and diplomacy. Nevertheless, it frequently employs coverage ofrnprovocation, where as it gives less attention to economic benefit and cooperationrnaspect of coverage. In the contrary, Ethiopian Herald gives major attention torncoverage of cooperation followed by politics and economy. The research showedrnthat the GERD media coverage of the two newspapers in Ethiopia and Egypt isrncompletely contradicting based on their interest to cover. The study has foundrnthat Ethiopian Herald and the Egyptian Al Ahram newspapers coveredrncontradicting issues on the issues of GERD negotiation

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Comparative Media Coverage Analysis Of Gerd In Ethiopian Herald And Al Aharam Of Egypt Between February 2019 And August 2020