Practices Of Journalistic Ethics In The Newsroom Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation Etv News Channel In Focus

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The media have the responsibility of serving the people by providing fair, balanced andrnaccurate stories in a responsible manner. The purpose of Journalism is to help the public byrnfeeding truth information for better life. EBC is state media, have also double responsibilityrnas a bridge between society and government as well as main tool for national consensus. Butrnrises complain on practice of journalistic ethics. The profession violated and affected byrnmany factors. The purpose of this study is to explore the practice of journalism ethics in thernnewsroom focusing on Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC). Quantitative andrnqualitative research approach was employed for the study; survey questionnaire and indepthrninterview were used as specific methods for gathering the data. A total sample of 126rnjournalists was randomly selected to fill the survey questionnaire and 10 media professionalsrnlike media managers, chief editor, editors, producers and reporters were purposefullyrnselected for the in-depth interview to support the findings from the questionnaire. As a result,rnJournalists, while producing news stories the major respondents have explain that;rnobjectivity, social responsibility, conflicts of interest, were affected for fair and balancedrnreport in different ways. In this particular research topic the researchers also able to findrnmany details for internal and external factors of journalists that influence ethical journalismrnprofession in the newsroom. Some of them are political factor, financial dependence, selfcensorship,rnpersonal biases, organizational agenda, small group influence, psychologicalrnfactors, subjective judgments and others. Therefore, based on the findings, it is recommendedrnthat, the media should independent (politically and economically), media managers stand forrnprofessional journalistic ethics, train journalists to build confidence, create journalistsrnresponsible and loyalist to profession. Ethical journalism needs attention from media housesrnleaders and government as well as policy makers.

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Practices Of Journalistic Ethics In The Newsroom Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation Etv News Channel In Focus